It says "Toy Fair Roeview Party", yes, New York Toy Fair, the biggest toy industry business convention in the US, just begun last Sunday. BTW I didn't see Toy2R booth anywhere at the convention, are they attending this year ??
Then let's take a look some artist custom QEEs.
You may be able to see his iconic anatomy custom toys somewhere at least one time, Jason Freeny !!!They may look weird at first view, however gradually it turns to be some kinda cute thing, I don't know why...
I got this Skelanimals GID QEE by Jason Freeny at the Party. Is it gross or cute ?? How do you think ??
Then the others...
And let me show some new items exhibited below.
Glitter shiny DOMO !!! 400pcs limited. / Kaiju Bossy Bear
Metallic pink courting clear QEE !!! Colorful fluorescent balls inside. My best favorite one at the show.
DIY QEE series. Various animal type is available.
Urban Outfitters exclusive DOMO QEE series 3. We can see green flocky grass DOMO and business person DOMO here.
Finally, one thing I wanna say, the champagne served at the party tasted awesome !!!! Thank you YOYAMART !!!